Birthday Party Singapore Blog

5 Things You Do Not Need At Your Kid’s Birthday Party

Things You Do Not Need At A Birthday Party Singapore

Things you Do Not Need at a Birthday Party
Things you Do Not Need at a Birthday Party

Birthday parties; a daydream of every child while parents often stress about planning the best one for them. Before the rise of social media, parents had no means of comparing their child’s birthday parties to others. But times have changed as parents struggle to keep up with ensuring that their child’s birthday party is the talk of the town.

However, many fail to realise that throwing a birthday party is necessarily about focusing on what to include, but rather on what to exclude. Without further to do, here are 5 things that you do not need at your child’s birthday party.

1) An Extensive Guest List

kid's birthday party - extensive guest list
kid’s birthday party – extensive guest list

Large numbers do not automatically mean “better”.  It is not necessary to invite the whole class over for your child’s birthday party because there will be a handful of kids that your child does not socialise with. To solve this issue, ask your child to help create a list of classmates that they are good friends with to keep the party manageable.

2) Longer Than 2 Hours

kid's birthday party - Longer Than 2 Hours
kid’s birthday party – Longer Than 2 Hours

The trick to throwing an awesome kid’s birthday party is to always include these 3 stages; a craft, activity or game when the kids arrive, followed by a meal, then cake and presents. All these would take about roughly 2 hours. Although it might seem short on the invitation, in reality, 2 hours actually go by really slowly when you are hosting children.

3) A Full Meal

kids birthday party - full meal
kids birthday party – full meal

In order to minimise the stress of catering big portions of food, you can have the birthday party in between their mealtimes.

For example, you can have a 2pm – 4pm birthday party for your school-aged child. If your child is a toddler or preschooler who requires a good afternoon nap, a mid-morning or late afternoon birthday party would be ideal.

This also means that you will only be required to provide a few snacks such as chips, popcorn, and cake; additionally saving extra time required to clear the dishes and cutting costs for you!

4) Goody Bags

kids birthday party - goody bags
kids birthday party – goody bags

While it is nice to give small tokens to your guests, it is not mandatory to prepare loot bags with numerous amount of “creative” small gifts inside. This is because you are already paying for your guests to have fun and eat; hence, goody bags only mean that you will be spending more on items that their parents will end up discarding away while cleaning the house.

5) Your Own House

kids birthday party - host at home
kids birthday party – host at home

While the thought of hosting a birthday party at home can feel cozy and easy to plan, the aftermath can put you into a total meltdown. This is because you will have to clean up after the mess once your guests have left; and given that it is a kid’s birthday party, you can expect the mess to be chaotic.

Personally, I would recommend outsourcing to a third party to help plan the birthday party in order to make it more manageable.

The Fun Empire offers birthday party planning services to suit the different needs and wants of each client. All you need to do is gather the requirements of your event and then contact the company by email or call for a customised quotation or proposal. All emails or calls will be answered within 24 hours by the events expert, so you can be assured that the planning, preparation, and execution of your birthday party will fall within your desired timeline!

For more inquiries, visit

After all, your child’s birthday is a special date to have fun and celebrate; and it is something they can never experience again once they have reached past a certain age. Hence, the best gift that you can give them as a parent, is to make sure they have the most memorable childhood experience ever.